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Sustainable Software Architecture

Analyze, limit and reduce technical debt

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At the beginning of a project, the architects and the development team, with all their know-how and experience, develop a tailored architectural blueprint for the upcoming development. On implementing the code, the team, often unintentionally, deviates from the specifications more and more resulting in the acquisition of technical debt.

In this book, the author shows which errors should be avoided in software projects while implementing the architecture in order to develop sustainable architectures. With over 200 colored images from existing software systems and several case studies, bad and good solutions are presented in a comprehensible way. Recommendations and various hints from practical projects allow the readers to use the knowledge directly in their daily work.


About the author

Dr. Carola Lilienthal is Senior Software Architect and Managing Director of WPS – Workplace Solutions GmbH in Hamburg. There, she is responsible for software architecture and regularly conveys her knowledge on conferences, in articles and trainings. She is particularly passionate about training software architects, which is why she is an active member of iSAQB, the International Software Architecture Qualification Board.

Carola Lilienthal graduated from the University of Hamburg in 1995 with a degree in computer science, where she did her PhD on the complexity of software architectures. She has been involved in the development of professional software in a variety of technologies since completing her studies. Since 2003, she regularly analyzes the architecture of software systems on behalf of her clients and summarizes the results in quality reports and as prioritized refactoring procedures. In total, she has examined over eighty software systems ranging from 30,000 to 15 million LOC in Java, C ++, C #, ABAP and PHP.


The way out of
the debt trap

You would like to identify and reduce your technical debt with Carola Lilienthal?
Please visit the website of WPS - Workplace Solutions GmbH have a look at our software architecture services. Alternatively please feel free to contact Carola Lilienthal by e-mail.

Further resources

Live analysis

DDD Europe – when we lose sight of our domain

Carola Lilienthal's wealth of experience in the architectural analysis of systems using different technologies is truly unique. As a result, she links real world and practical examples throughout the book. Gernot Starke

Sustainable software architecture

Analyze and reduce technical debt
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